Monday, February 14

Turning 24, goals, and other tidbits

I am officially 24. I am actually beginning to feel like an adult (save the sweatpants, wacky creative impulses, lack of a real job...hmm) But who out there really wants to grow-up? I kind of hope I never do. Anyways, one my my goals for 24 is to figure a few things out like what I'm going to do with my life.  I have a degree in Architecture, and I am taking classes in Interior Design so I know where my passions lie. But several rounds of  job applications have been busts and there is always a thought lingering in the back of my mind about working for myself (sounds less intimidating than starting my own business, but, in essence, is the same). Terrifying because I do not know if I would be successful (I have a tendency to like straight A's and thumbs up) and how long I would be doing it...babies, husband, home, job. How can you balance it all? End of mind-vomit.

On a lighter note, 24 is the year that I begin painting. I don't know what this looks like yet, but have been researching oils vs. acrylics, techniques and supplies needed and really really  want to do this. (So does my mom and older brother, the von Trapp family painters) I am hesitant to show y'all the type of painting that I want to do because that's alot to live up to. But rest assured, it will be colorful and probably not bound by reality.

Speaking of 24. Nate had a wonderful weekend planned for my birthday including two dinners out (my favorite thing to do). One of them included a surprise from my best friend for dinner. AND crazy fun bowling with about 20 of our friends here in Charlotte. I have to follow up this Thursday with his 25th birthday. Please note Nate with his thumbs up in the group picture...awkward.

1 comment:

Justine said...

That stranger did a pretty good job with the group pic :)

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